Category: language_zh

Forget the search engines, if you’re wondering what defines as a “bad first date”, the GIF above should give you a rough idea. Maybe for some, you’re not that negative...

Reading Reviews on Lunch Actually shed light on clients' experience with our services. Here are the Lunch Actually Reviews, to those who wants to know a little more about our...

As unsettling it can be, bad reviews and complaints make a better company..if the reviews are attended to and acknowledged by. In business, it’s not uncommon to have unhappy clients...

Planning a trip with your partner is exciting! You plan to the last detail from romantic dining to street shopping. It gives you a feeling of wanting to own the...

Trailing Back To Your Childhood Might Help You Know Your Type and Who You're Likely to Date. Theories about us ending up with someone like our parents is not unheard...

Sometimes it is best to walk away. But there are times silent treatment can create a much deeper damage that it could have been. According to Psychology Today’s Mel Schwartz,...

We all want a fulfilling and life-altering romance. Although chemistry can't be planned, research has proven that there are sure-way methods on how to make someone like you. Social psychology...

You see a cute guy or girl. Your heart flutters. You want to talk to him/her. Or maybe, you're already on a first date with them. Many singles have asked...

Being a quiet wallflower has its advantages but in the dating world it can be difficult to get men to approach you if you’re shy. So how can you overcome...

Meeting someone new can be pretty daunting but it’s important that you know how to set boundaries from your first date. That way, you’ll both know where you stand from...

Why Getting a Haircut Can Give You the Confidence Boost You Need To Smash Those First Date Nerves Hitting the dating scene can be a nerve-wracking time, so it’s important...

Wondering why you aren’t getting second dates? Have a quick read of our potential reasons, we bet you’ll spot something familiar in there: There could be any number of reasons...