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Effective Communication in Modern Dating
Effective Communication in Modern Dating
In today's fast-paced world, navigating the dating world can be both thrilling and challenging, but one thing remains constant: communication is key. In this post, we'll explore the art of...

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5 Signs Why You Need a Dating Coach
5 Signs Why You Need a Dating Coach
Navigating the dating world can be a challenging and sometimes overwhelming experience. Whether you're struggling to find compatible partners, lacking confidence in your approach, or simply feeling stuck in a dating...

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Recovering After Being Ghosted
Recovering After Being Ghosted
Ghosting is unfortunately a common phenomenon that singles face in the modern dating landscape. Ghosting means when someone stops communicating with you out of the blue without giving you an...

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Why Self-love is Important in a Relationship
Why Self-love is Important in a Relationship
Those who have experienced relationships firsthand know that there is a direct correlation between self-love and successful relationship. It takes someone who truly loves, values, and embraces themselves to extend...

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The Art of Navigating the Money Talk in Your Relationship
The Art of Navigating the Money Talk in Your Relationship
The “money talk” might not sound romantic. But, it's an important talk to have before you decide whether to spend the rest of your life with them. Many people shy...

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How to Enjoy Dating in the Digital Era
How to Enjoy Dating in the Digital Era
What it's like to be dating in the digital era? Romantic relationships can begin anywhere. When Cupid's arrow strikes, you might be at church or at school, going to the...

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Celebrating Valentine’s Day as a Happy Single
Celebrating Valentine’s Day as a Happy Single
Buckle up singles! Valentine's Day is coming! Many of us think it’s sad to be single; being alone, being picky, sad, and other negative things. We absolutely disagree! Being single...

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5 Secrets to Hit Your New Year Resolutions
5 Secrets to Hit Your New Year Resolutions
Happy New Year 2023! How was your 2022? There are a lot of changes around the world be it political, economic, or social changes; yet our commitment remains the same...

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Dating Ideas for the Final World Cup
Dating Ideas for the Final World Cup
The FIFA World Cup 2022 Final is just around the corner! There will be two more matches in which teams will compete for third, second, and first place in the...

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Being Single on Singles’ Day? Don’t worry!
Being Single on Singles’ Day? Don’t worry!
Ah, it’s already November. Don’t you think time flies so fast? Speaking of November, there’s an unofficial holiday dedicated to singles! Yes, it’s Singles’ Day aka 11.11. Many of us...

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Are They Cheating on YOU? Here are the Signs!
Are They Cheating on YOU? Here are the Signs!
With much hot news about celebrities cheating on their partners, you might wonder “will it happen to me?” especially if you’re in the early stages of a relationship. It’s the...

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Having Standards vs. Being Picky
Having Standards vs. Being Picky
We’re sure many of us have been told that you’re being too picky at least once in our life. And some of you start wondering: “Am I???”  When it comes...

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