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Lucas dan Debra (Menikah)
Lucas dan Debra (Menikah)
“Efisien dan Responsif” Dear LUNCH Actually, aku mau berterimakasih untuk jasa anda yang memuaskan dan excellent! Staff anda sangat efisien dan responsive. Tentu saja pada awalnya, saya agak ragu, tapi...

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Meng Wei and Cindy (Married)
Meng Wei and Cindy (Married)
"Made for Each Other" We met each other through Lunch Actually on a dinner date. After a few dates, we knew we were made for each other and we have...

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Jerry and Kim (Married)
Jerry and Kim (Married)
“One More Chance” At the age of 38 years old, I have ended up a 10 years relationship. I told myself not to give up on having new love again....

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Peter dan Geraldine (Menikah)
Peter dan Geraldine (Menikah)
“Jalankan Step Pertama” Peter sangat suka dengan Geraldine, sampai dia menulis puisi untuknya seteleh mereka bertemu. Sekarang mereka sudah menikah dan mendorong para singles untuk menjalakan step pertama untuk memperluas...

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Fabian dan Evangeline (Menikah)
Fabian dan Evangeline (Menikah)
“Hanya Satu Kencan untuk Menemukan Pasangan Hidup” Yang dibutuhkan hanya 1 kencan lewat LUNCH Actually bagi Evangeline Lee untuk menemukan pasangan hidupnya Fabian Lim. Di bulan Juni 2007, mereka bertemu...

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Terence dan Kim (Menikah)
Terence dan Kim (Menikah)
“Dating Konsultan yang Sangat Terlatih” Aku bertemu pasangan kencan lewat LUNCH Actually di Desember 2008 dan kami menikah di July 2011. Kami sangat merekomendasi LUNCH Actually kepada semua jomblo dan...

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Jeffrey and Yuhan (Married)
Jeffrey and Yuhan (Married)
“Lunch Actually Works!” Jeffrey and I would like to say a big thank you to Lunch Actually! 2 April 2011 was the date that changed our lives forever. We had our...

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Alex and Ashley (Married)
Alex and Ashley (Married)
“WE COULD NOT HAVE ASKED FOR MORE…THANK YOU LUNCH ACTUALLY” Myself and Ashley have been couple since we were first introduced through Lunch Actually on October 2012. It took us...

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