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Sometimes, you just need to give yourself a chance.

Featuring Zoie Lam, Senior Dating Consultant at Lunch Actually Hong Kong

Apart from being in a relationship, having my boyfriend supporting me and loving me all throughout, I am thankful for being surrounded by my family, friends and colleagues.

All through these years, I realised that all kinds of relationship work on "give-and- take". If you never give out your love people wholeheartedly, the love given back to you would have its limits. Even though love is unconditional, a greater connection is built in a two-way relationship.


Her Journey with Lunch Actually

Two of my successful clients once shared with me that they will never have a chance in meeting each other if they didn't join Lunch Actually. Their social circles are totally different. I felt back then that they wanted me to perform magic and transform impossible to possible. But, at the end of their entire journey, they have found love from one another and are now in a happy relationship.

Chances are given those who keep their minds open. Sometimes, you just need to give yourself a chance. #IMakeLoveHappen


Lunch Actually Reviews

More About Zoie: Bachelors Degree in Humanities | Volunteer experience with diverse group of people in the society | Travelled over 5 countries in helping dating consultants and singles


Lunch Actually Reviews by Clients to Zoie*

“It was not the first match nor it was the second or third, it didn’t matter anymore. I didn’t expect anything during my last date and I just thought of it as a normal dinner with a friend and I would have never expected that he would become my future husband. It’s fate!

Our lives are busy and without Lunch Actually, it would be difficult to expand our social circles. My colleagues are all girls and we can’t go on dating because of our work commitments. I joined some dating companies before and I did a comparison. I think the people I knew through Lunch Actually are more reliable because the dating consultants did a careful screening and not just let clients meet right after making a payment just for the sake of making a match.

I think from being single, to being married and having a family, happened because of chance. Meeting someone from a dating agency can ensure the quality of a person that we are going to meet.

Otherwise, we could have just met other singles from our own circle of friends. Provided with a chance, we also need to learn how to get along with each other. Even though some has good qualities and values, if they don’t take chances, it’s difficult to meet the right person. We attended marriage counseling and shared many thoughts. I learned that if you get married having the wrong motivation, it won’t last long because you may intentionally lower your requirements and eventually be with someone you can hardly accept. Just be positive and always take a chance!”

“I didn’t expect my Ms Right to be her. I was very busy with my studies and joining a dating agency was the right choice. I went to each date thinking it was my chance to learn and to know more friends with different personality and career background. I didn’t expect too much and I just went with my natural self. Until finally, I found my Ms Right! The chance to meet Ms Right has increased because we wouldn’t have been matched if we didn’t join a dating agency. Many of my dating criteria are listed so the match will be closer to what I want. When I came up to Lunch Actually, I understood how the dating consultants do screening and matching which made me feel interested.

When it comes to couple relationships, it depends on how much time and effort that we put in. We should be more down to earth and understand that your date is not only what you wanted but also what she wanted. Dating criteria shouldn’t be set on papers only because a person is three-dimensional. Thanks Lunch Actually!”


Zoie has played a meaningful part in Lunch Actually’s successful marriages, a dating company with over 90,000 dates arranged across 6 cities in Southeast Asia with 85% client satisfaction rate.

See more success stories by our Dating Consultants here.


*Disclaimer: For our clients’ privacy, names were not disclosed. All testimonials shown above are based on recorded client messages sent to our Dating Consultants.

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