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Harry and Nina (Married)


Initially, before I joined L.A. I had gone through a string of failed relationships and a long engagement that did not work out in the end. By the time, I’d heard of dating agencies, I was very, very, sceptical. The social stigma that came with joining one did not help either. Eventually, I did join an agency, but my first try didn’t go well. And then I heard about L.A. The first match that they had arranged for me was alright though the sparks just flat lined for us on the get go. LOL. This only made me all the more sceptical at whether I made the right my choice of joining dating agencies..

When a second match came up, I was already in two minds about cancelling my membership. Because I had to leave Singapore for awhile, my friends suggested to shelve my intentions and see how I felt when I returned. They managed to convince me to go on that date with the second match soon after.

Initially cautious and not expecting the date to be a success, this time around I was taken off guard. My date didn’t feel like one at all. It was like two friends catching up with each other. Harry had this air about him that made me feel so comfortable and at ease. For a first date, this was one of the longest I have ever had. Many times throughout our conversation, he’d made me laugh so hard, I cried. He just filled me up and made me so happy within that space of time. :)

Harry is a humourous and lively person. And his warm character makes me feel like I have finally come home. Being together is always a blast and it also helps that we have so much in common. (Yes, L.A. matched us up VERY well!) Even though at the time when he proposed, we had only known each other for a few months, it felt like we had been together longer. And, that was when I realised, that he truly is my soulmate.

This year will mark two years since we started our new life. And at the expense of sounding corny, yes, I guess, we’ve both found our missing half.

Oh, P.S. And what a truly fairy tale ending to our story when we found out recently that we actually had some mutual friends who had initially planned for the both of us to meet as well!
And that was long before, we both joined L.A. So, I guess, you gals got them to it first! :) So, it’s true when they say, that love will always find its way, no matter what. :)

No words can ever express how glad I am at the good work done by L.A. and at how they took their time to listen and to accommodate me as best as possible in my search. Even when my prerequisites seemed trivial and silly at first! :) And I think Harry would like to extend his thanks too!

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