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5 Reasons To Try Something New

As creatures of habit, breaking the cycle to try something new can be a little challenging. 

It is uncommon for us to fall into a pattern when it comes to aspects of life. It could be a morning routine, weekend plans or even the food that you order.

Of course there are more than 5 reasons to to try something new but let's start from there.

Trying something new can be may seem necessary especially when the comfort a routine provides makes us feel somewhat safe in the sense that we are in control. We can know the outcome because it has been something we have been doing for so long, it turns into a muscle memory more than a thought process.

But as comfortable as it can appear to be, nothing grows in the comfort zone. Evolution does not only mean discovering fire and building rockets, it also means growing as a person. Experiencing life as it comes in the best way possible. 

If you still have trouble convincing yourself to break the cycle, here are some reasons to make you reconsider.

1. To not have any regrets


One of the biggest fears people tend to have (generally) is the “what ifs”. What if I actually made the first move, what if I gave it a try before saying no, and the list goes on. When you try something new and break the cycle, it’s a step closer to knowing yourself better because the one thing you can’t get back is time and with it, opportunities.  

2. Because small changes lead to big differences


Ever heard of the butterfly effect? Imagine the smallest movement can contribute to the biggest outcome. An action or decision that you might think is trivial could be the turning point of you life. Instead of taking the usual way to work, take an alternative one (do double-check on the traffic before that). Or instead of heading to the same coffee shop, try another a little further from your block. You’d be surprised with just what you might find.

3. To Build your knowledge


Knowledge builds confidence.

This goes beyond reading. Your experiences makes you question things that urges you to find the answers. The more you know, the more you question and this path leads you to being a person with depth. Besides, having a vast knowledge from trying something new would definitely help when it comes to striking a conversation. 

4. To Create an adventure


The best part about breaking the cycle and trying something new is you never know what adventure it could be starting! For example, instead of staying home on weekends and catching up on Netflix (which is awesome by the way!), spice things up by joining a cooking class. You might discover your hidden talent or you might meet new people who could bring a little bit of a healthy social into your life...hey, you might even find a special someone with all that chemistry going on in the kitchen but there’s only one way to find out. BREAK THE CYCLE and try something new. 

5. So that fear doesn’t win

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As mentioned before, most of the decisions we take are fueled by fear. Whether it’s rejection, failing or embarrassing yourself. But fear is also the only thing standing in your way of greatness. It is a little gamble we take in our everyday life. It’s okay to fold sometimes but we need to have the courage to call out life on it’s trick and say “Show me what you got!”. It’s okay if you embarrass yourself once in awhile because what’s the worst that could happen? Whatever it is, I’m sure it would make a great story!

Change is scary but it can also lead to the most life changing event that you could experience. We all want to be different, and think we deserve something special without taking the risk or making the change. Why? Because we fear. 

Well, it’s okay to be scared, it’s okay to feel not in control at all times and it’s okay not not always have a backup plan. What’s not okay is, using it all as reasons to not try something new.

Take a chance, try something new and live your life the best you can :)

If you're ready for a change in yourself or looking for a fresh start in your love life, click the link and get your journey started!

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