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Meng Wei and Cindy (Married)
Meng Wei and Cindy (Married)
"Made for Each Other" We met each other through Lunch Actually on a dinner date. After a few dates, we knew we were made for each other and we have...

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Jerry and Kim (Married)
Jerry and Kim (Married)
“One More Chance” At the age of 38 years old, I have ended up a 10 years relationship. I told myself not to give up on having new love again....

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Peter and Geraldine (Married)
Peter and Geraldine (Married)
“Just Take The First Step” Peter was so taken in by Geraldine, that he wrote her a very special poem after they first met which he has happily shared with...

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Fabian and Evangeline (Married)
Fabian and Evangeline (Married)
“Just One Date To Find Her Soulmate” All it took was one date, organised by Lunch Actually for Evangeline Lee to find her soul mate Fabian Lim. In June 2007,...

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Terence and Kim (Married)
Terence and Kim (Married)
“Well Trained Dating Consultants” I met my date via Lunch Actually’s dating service back in December 2008 and we got happily married in July 2011. We highly recommend Lunch Actually...

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Jeffrey and Yuhan (Married)
Jeffrey and Yuhan (Married)
“Lunch Actually Works!” Jeffrey and I would like to say a big thank you to Lunch Actually! 2 April 2011 was the date that changed our lives forever. We had our...

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5 reasons why a horror movie is the perfect first date
5 reasons why a horror movie is the perfect first date
With Halloween having come and gone, we’ve seen an influx of horror movies saturating the film market, not to mention the number of horror movie marathons popping up as well....

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We’re all tired of these 5 excuses for why you “can’t commit”
We’re all tired of these 5 excuses for why you “can’t commit”
“I can’t commit to this relationship” is probably one of the most over-used breakup lines ever, and the reasons that come with it are unsurprisingly accepted and legitimised by most....

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Of love and pain: 3 destructive habits we can’t seem to stop indulging in
Of love and pain: 3 destructive habits we can’t seem to stop indulging in
Some relationship mistakes are one-time events. You make them, learn from them and move on. Then there are the ones that are habitual: You may know about these flaws, but...

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9 Singaporean men on what kind of girl they’d love to date, and what kind they’d want to marry
9 Singaporean men on what kind of girl they’d love to date, and what kind they’d want to marry
If you hope to be the kind of girl guys would love to settle down with, then this article is for you! Singaporean men were interviewed on how they would...

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“WE COULD NOT HAVE ASKED FOR MORE…THANK YOU LUNCH ACTUALLY” Myself and Ashley have been couple since we were first introduced through Lunch Actually on October 2012. It took us...

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How a brief break-up can benefit your relationship, according to science
How a brief break-up can benefit your relationship, according to science
(Credits)   You spend most of your time together with them, thinking about them, talking about them. It’s kind of ridiculous how much you love them. Your relationship is beautiful...

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