Tag: dating tips

Red Light, Green Light, 1, 2, 3! By now we’re sure you have watched the newest blockbuster from Netflix, Squid Game! The 9-episode bloody drama series tells about survival games...

By now we’re sure you have watched the newest series - “Squid Game” - which has taken the world by storm, making it the first show to top the daily...

When you see your parents or your grandparents or old couple pictures on social media, have you wondered what makes them stay in a relationship for 10 years or 60...

Dating could be challenging for some people. Especially if you have been out of the game for so long. As a dating expert in Malaysia, here's the top dating guide...

Planning a trip with your partner is exciting! You plan to the last detail from romantic dining to street shopping. It gives you a feeling of wanting to own the...

Trailing Back To Your Childhood Might Help You Know Your Type and Who You're Likely to Date. Theories about us ending up with someone like our parents is not unheard...

Meeting someone new can be pretty daunting but it’s important that you know how to set boundaries from your first date. That way, you’ll both know where you stand from...

Why Getting a Haircut Can Give You the Confidence Boost You Need To Smash Those First Date Nerves Hitting the dating scene can be a nerve-wracking time, so it’s important...

Wondering why you aren’t getting second dates? Have a quick read of our potential reasons, we bet you’ll spot something familiar in there: There could be any number of reasons...

Dating or the art of asking someone out has changed so much over the time. 20 or 30 years ago, getting someone’s number at an office Christmas party would be...

Sure, it would be seemingly obvious that a dating agency would just find love for me, but is there really more to just that? It’s probably just very similar to...

This is a guest post by Rachel Esco. For the veteran dater, first dates can become a monotonous routine, one that is as repetitive and dull as doing laundry or...