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How to Get Men to Approach You If You’re Shy

Being a quiet wallflower has its advantages but in the
dating world it can be difficult to get men to approach you if you’re shy. So
how can you overcome that initial shyness? What steps can you take to get the
men out there to take the first steps? All can be revealed by reading on:

Dating isn’t a straightforward place for the introverts among us and getting men to approach you if you’re shy can be tricky. Introverted and shy people tend to take the backseat when it comes to dating. They wait for something to happen, wait for someone to talk to them, usually out of fear of making a mess of it or overthinking what they have to do. Sound familiar? Well, thankfully you’re not alone and there are plenty of ways that you can help the guys out there make the first move.

A Smile Can Make All The Difference

smiling women

A happy outlook makes for an approachable person. What’s the easiest way to show that you have a positive outlook on life? Smiling! First of all, smiling is contagious and people love to smile back at you. Maintain that happy exterior and guys will begin to see you as someone who is approachable.

If you’re sitting in the local café or
walking around with a stern, serious face on all of the time then men will
naturally think that this is a reflection of your personality. Use that great
smile of yours to show your fun and outgoing side.

Taking Up Hobbies

If you live in a town or city we can guarantee that there will be ready made social groups there for you. These are not only a way to meet lots of new people but also a great way to boost your confidence. Putting yourself into regular social situations with others will gradually reduce your levels of shyness overtime.

Plus, who knows? You might even meet your
next partner whilst taking part!

Put the phone and headphones away

It’s very easy nowadays to become
completely engrossed in our phones and music but they are pretty disastrous
when it comes to the world of dating. At least when you’re looking to meet
someone in the wild, rather than through an app.

When you’re wearing headphones or staring
at your phone it’s a fairly universal sign that you’re not interested in
interacting with anyone else and want to focus on what you’re doing. Is someone
going to approach you when you’re like that? Chances are they won’t! If you
want to meet someone, put the phone away and take the headphones off once in a

Put yourself out there

get men to approach you if you

Men won’t approach you if they can’t actually meet you. Easy as it is to shy away and stay at home, there’s no way that you’re going to meet someone there. And certainly no way that a man will approach you. Make sure that you take the time to plan some activities, visit some cafes or bars and relax. Don’t engross yourself with friends the entire time though! Groups are people are far harder to approach than individuals.

Don’t rush this process, after all, being
shy isn’t something you can turn off like a light switch. These tips are just a
starting point, but they’re relatively easy to implement and will have men
approaching you in no time at all.

Lunch Actually has been setting up over 129,000 dates (and still counting!) for the past 16 years. So, if you’re ready for a well-guided dating life, click the link below.

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