Month: March 2020

As most places are closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the idea of a date is just left at the back seat to burn. With the situation the way...

Drama yang memilki rating 24,1% di Korea Selatan ini menjadi tontonan wajib pecinta drama Korea. Kisah cinta Captain Ri seorang tentara Korea Utara dan Yoon Se Ri pemilik perusahaan fashion...

Dating is said to be a recession-proof industry - because despite external factors, all humans naturally desire a partner, and companionship. If anything, when things are down, this need is...

Crash Landing on You (CLOY) has definitely crash landed on our hearts! In addition to the exciting story, it turns out there are many tips about romance that you can...

After “catfishing” and “ghosting” are you up to date with the dating trends of 2020? Online dating and 2020 dating trends can make you a little lost and delirious especially...

Anda pasti sudah selesai menonton Crash Landing on You (CLOY) kan. Selain ceritanya yang seru, ternyata ada banyak tips tentang percintaan yang bisa Anda contek! Crash Landing on You menjadi...

Long distance relationship (LDR) atau pacaran jarak jauh menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa orang tidak ingin memiliki suatu hubungan. “Saya suka sekali dengannya tapi kita tidak ada di daerah yang...

Persepsi umum tentang orang introvert adalah mereka tidak mau bersosialisasi. Tapi sebenarnya introvert mau bersosialisasi, tapi mereka memilih dengan siapa mereka ingin bersosialisasi. Seperti apa jika berpacaran dengan seorang introvert?...

There are many things that could ruin a first date AND you only get one chance to make a first impression. Though first dates can be a little awkward due...