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Crazy Rich Asians Characters Ranked According to Their Dateability!

If you were to walk up to any random person on the street, they are probably going to say yes. Yes, they’ve watched it.

And yes, it’s the Asian movie that’s going to change Hollywood as well. It is the one which has represented Asians so vividly that you’d feel as though the Asian Americans (especially) would have finally gotten their voices heard and their actions appreciated. So yes, you should proceed with this article because we assumed you’ve watched it already.

With a movie this popular, it’s easy to draw inspirations to write articles like these, all for the benefit of the potential readers. Since there’s so much craze around the movie, we were thinking, if these characters were real, who would be the most boyfriend/girlfriend-material? *cue Henry Golding shirtless; hyperventilation*

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Take this as our little treat (in no particular order) ;)

1. Peik Lin (Played by Awkwafina)

Funny, spontaneous and an amazing friend


She’s witty, helpful and doesn’t give a damn about all the negativity (to the point she didn’t care about the way she walks too) and that’s good on her! She knows how to be herself and she’s confident. Dating a girl like her would be really rewarding, because remember, inner beauty is more important than just physical appearance!

2. Colin and Araminta (Played by Chris Pang and Sonoya Mizuno)

Best friends of Nick. Loyal, very supportive. Humble.

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If you’re dating either Colin or Araminta (we decided to put them together in the list), you’re in for an awesome ride too. Not only are they very humble despite from their crazy rich backgrounds, but they are very supportive and warmly welcome Nick’s arrival with Rachel, and even showed them around. They are understanding, loyal and fun to be around. Probably a trait to lookout for with your next match.

3. Oliver (Played by Nico Santos)

Confident, helpful, funny, supportive.

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Although he's not one of the main characters in the show, we love Oliver thanks to his humble and helpful personality. This guy is definitely someone worthy to date! Oliver doesn’t only feel confident (even though he may lose the hotness battle as well), he’s been such a great sport and support system to Rachel though they had just met for a short while. Definitely someone with a big heart!

4. Kerry Chu (Played by Tan Kheng Hua)

Rachel’s mum, super supportive and a strong-willed woman

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Sure, she may also be the least prominent person that comes to mind, but her charismatic character is one to be remembered. She's gone through her own struggles from her abusive husband, but she has picked herself up and raised Rachel on her own: definitely a very strong woman that captured the hearts of the viewers! And although she may be older than the rest of the characters listed here, the motherly love and support she’s showered onto her beloved daughter is something so beautifully captured, making her a wife material too! We believe that if she’s gotten back out into the dating world, her chances of landing dates could be aplenty!

5. P.T (Played by Calvin Wong)

Socially-awkward but loyal at heart

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Who would’ve forgotten about this character? He’s not the best looking one in the film but we bet you that he’s the most loyal and innocent. Look at the way he tries to seduce Rachel and still stays loyal to her till the end of the film. He’s got his own kind of humour in a nerdy-way. He’s really not that bad if you think about it ;)

And of course, special mentions to these characters who are super date-worthy too!

6. Nick Young (Played by Henry Golding)

Gentleman. Chivalrous. Considerate. Stood up for love. Handsome!


He’s the kinda guy whom you think is a player (maybe he was in the past), but the love he showed to his family, friends and especially to his girlfriend is something worthy of respect, and proves him otherwise. Not only is he thoughtful of not making things worse for his other half, he had even visualized a future for the both of them, with plans of having a marriage. A guy who sees it through the future is the kinda guy you should definitely lookout for!

7. Rachel Chu (Played by Constance Wu)

Smart. Likable. Confident. Has integrity and isn’t afraid to stand up for herself


The girl whom you’d love to bring back to meet your family (even though they may not like her very much). One who knows how to take care of herself in difficult situations, and is understanding enough to not ruin the relationship between Nick and her mother. Did you also she how she slayed in front of the mother during the mahjong session?! When you’re grounded and have a strong sense of self, your spirits would not break so easily like hers. She’s definitely a keeper!

8. Astrid (Played by Gemma Chan)

Extremely loyal, mindful, and patient.

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She may be crazy rich and seems to ‘have it all’, but she’s extremely humble and loyal to her husband. Despite being a fashion icon and splurges on fancy items, she tries not to make her husband feel inferior as she respects him. Though after finding out that the husband is cheating on her, she still held her head up high and the decision to leave him is probably the best one she’s ever done. In the end, she realizes that her own success it not something she should be ashamed of. Dating a person like her would be very rewarding if you know how to treat her right.

Would you date any of these characters in real life? Why or why not? Tell us in the comments box below!

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