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13 Tips for Dating Someone New

Congratulations, you got attached! The beginning of new relationships a.k.a honeymoon phase is surely exciting and fun, all the butterflies feelings when you meet or chat with them. Your partner seems the most wonderful person to you and everything they do looks amazing! However, sometimes you might feel anxiety. But don’t worry, it’s normal. Here’s the 13 tips for dating someone new so you enjoy this stage to the fullest! 

1. Be curious 

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The first tip of 13 tips for dating someone new is, be curious! Know your partner deeper by asking questions. These questions also help you to be closer and make you understand each other. Ask questions like their childhood memories, experiences, thoughts on current events, etc. 

2. Don’t compare to the past 

Compare Katy Perry GIF by Apple Music

If you have exes before your new partner, please don’t ever compare them to your ex. It’s hurtful and you just ruin your chance to have a new chapter with new people. 

3. Pay attention to red flags

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Sometimes we don’t realize when we are a part of something that is damaging to our well-being, or even worse if we are the cause of a toxic relationship. Pay attention to these red flags and if you experience one of these, take action as soon as possible. 

4. Find out their love language

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People express their love differently. Some people express love through touch, some through words of affirmation, some through acts of service, some through gifts and some through spending quality time. How does this apply in your life? You and your partner might have very different ways of expressing your love for each other. According to Dr. Gary Chapman, there are 5 love languages. Understanding and applying the concept of love languages can make a huge difference to our relationships. 

5. Being vulnerable

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Take a baby step when you decide to show your vulnerability. Showing your vulnerability means you put your guards down and you trust your partner won’t hurt you. 

6. Get creatives and be adventurous

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Get creative when you plan your date if you’re bored with brunch and movie time, try new and exciting activities that you both haven’t done before! For example, taking art class, cooking class, boxing class, etc.

7. Don’t forget your family and friends

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When we have someone new in our life, often times, we spend less time with our family and friends. They deserve your attention too, because when things go bad in your relationship, they will always stand by your side.  Block time to have quality time with your family and friends. They can give honest opinions about your new partner and advice. You could probably work it out for you and the new  partner to meet your family or friends over dinner or brunch. 

8. Don’t be clingy 

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Yes, we know you want to spend the whole day with your partner. But, you and your partner have a world outside your relationship! If you keep being clingy, it often projects signs of insecurities. Give your partner space to think and miss you. And we believe space is needed in a healthy relationship. 

9. Communicate clearly 

Talking Express Yourself GIF by grown-ish

Be clear about what you want and what you dislike. Draw confidence in the relationship you have built to be open and honest with the other person. If decisions are being made that go against your preferences or values, be vocal and truthful about your feelings. When you do this, it helps avoid arguments and lingering negativity in the future and allows the other person to better understand your perspective.

10. Be honest 

Be Honest Seth Meyers GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

This is an essential part of communication. Healthy relationships involve two people who are completely honest about how they feel and what they’re thinking – with themselves and each other.

11. Make mistakes? Say sorry 

Sorry Home Alone GIF by filmeditor

Sometimes, we’re ashamed to say sorry. But, saying sorry if you make mistakes that make your partner hurt  is really important as it helps heal relationship breakdowns that inevitably occur.

12. Show you affection and appreciation

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Make special time together and continue to show your affection. And don’t forget to show your appreciation. We all know thank you is one of the most powerful words. Gratitude is one of the most important positive emotions for thriving relationships. Acknowledging the things your partner does is one of the easiest ways to keep the spark alive

13. Enjoy the moment

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Remember, early stage of a relationship a.k.a honeymoon stage doesn’t last forever. There will be other stages waiting for you. So, enjoy the the present moment to the fullest! 

Those are the 13 Tips for Dating Someone New. We hope that the person you’ve been dating is the one you’re looking for and hopefully they’re the one who’ll pop ‘the question’! *fingers crossed. If your busy schedule keeps you away from finding the right one, click the banner below and talk to our dating consultant now! 

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