Tag: dating

If you were to walk up to any random person on the street, they are probably going to say yes. Yes, they’ve watched it. And yes, it’s the Asian movie...

Dating websites would have probably seemed like a dream before. Remember the time you had to unplug the cord from your phone and attach it to your computer followed by...

6 Practical Love Lessons from Crazy Rich Asians Love Lessons from Crazy Rich Asians that Singles and Couples Can Use Crazy Rich Asians was a fun romp of a movie...

We totally think they're time-saver, and here are 5 reasons why it’s worth investing in matchmaking services in Singapore! Let’s be honest; we live busy lives. From running late to...

Dear You, (yes, you, who are single and dating) It sucks that we’re living in a time and age where people put so much pressure on our relationship status and...

Finding someone to go on a first date on can be tough with our hectic lifestyles. Why not take the hassle out of first dates by letting the experts set...

First dates. They can be pretty awkward, especially if you’re meeting someone you barely know, or if you’re just naturally shy. First dates get the best of your nerves, especially...

Dear men, • Have you ever met a woman you’re interested in, and she’s SINGLE, only to see her get attached to another man?• Have you ever thought that it’d...

If you think it’s impossible for women to be in the friend zone, you may want to think again. Women get friendzoned by guys too, and for a variety of...

Fill in the form to the right to find the RIGHT one! More than ever, it's a great time to be a woman. Since the first International Women's Day officially...

(Credits) 36 QUESTIONS THAT WILL PUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP ON FAST-FORWARD According to a study by social psychology researcher Arthur Aron at Stony Brook University, asking a stranger 36 tailored questions...

Thinking of going for movies on your first date? Horror movies may not seem like the first thing that comes to mind, but trust us when we say horror movie...