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How to Enjoy Dating in the Digital Era

What it's like to be dating in the digital era? Romantic relationships can begin anywhere. When Cupid's arrow strikes, you might be at church or at school, going to the mall, on public transportation, or meeting new people in a bar. Sometimes, however, Cupid goes on vacation or takes a long nap. Instead of waiting for Cupid’s comeback, people dive into the digital world. 

Dating apps have become a staple for today’s singles. They’re easy to use, no need for verification and you can get potential matches. Although this leaves people only half invested in their current date because there is the subconscious sense that there are hundreds more choices. And allows con men, creeps and predators to meet up with potential victims easily and anonymously since it is painfully easy to create profiles under fake names. But hey, don’t worry you can still meet someone special and enjoy dating in the digital era. 

Keep your personal information 

Remember to not give any of your personal information for example, your id number, address, bank information, social media access, etc. When you give someone access to your Facebook or Instagram profile, you’re essentially giving them access to every aspect of your life – your likes/dislikes, upbringing, friends, family, good and bad days, and terrible photos… that’s a whole lot of information to unleash on someone so soon! And they can use your profile to scam people too. So beware! 

Keep some things private

We understand you want to post on your Instagram all the activities you do with your partner and use #powercouple. But before you post that #humblebrag status update, consider how your partner feels. Are they comfortable with you sharing details of every date online? Some things are meant to be private. For example, if you’ve just had an argument with your partner, don’t post a ranting or “vague-booking” status update eluding to what a jerk they are. You’ll only be adding fuel to the fire, on top of showing a lack of respect for your partner. 

Clean up your social media 


Many of us have activity on our Facebook or Instagram profiles from years ago that we’ve forgotten about, such as pages we’ve liked, ranting status updates, and cringe-worthy photos. Take some time to go through your activity and get rid of anything that doesn’t accurately represent you – because even though it might be in the past, it can (and will) be found by your partner. Take this time as an opportunity to clean up your profile to ensure it represents the person you are today. 

Be present 

Keep your paws off the phone during a date. You supposedly find the person you are dating interesting enough to hold your attention. Trust that they will keep you occupied throughout the date. Do not use the inevitable lulls in conversation as an excuse to pull out your phone either. Instead, find something else to talk about rather than letting the conversation die entirely. 

Try the old-fashioned way 

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If you think dating apps are too much risky, meet people the old-fashioned way.  Interact with single members of your church. Get to know your neighbors and friends of your coworkers. Sign up for a gym membership or if you truly feel like you have no way to meet singles in your life, join an organization or volunteer group. This will allow for an influx of new people into your life, many of whom may be single or have single friends. 

If you’re in an exclusive relationship, delete your online dating profile!

This one should go without saying, but if you’re exclusively dating someone and maintain your online dating profile (even if you’re not actively using it) you’re giving your partner a reason to feel insecure and jealous about his or her status with you. If you’re not comfortable deleting your dating profile, perhaps you’re not entirely comfortable being exclusive – and again, this is something that you need to discuss with your partner away from the prying eyes of other users waiting to ‘like’ your discussion.

Those are the tips to enjoy dating in the digital era.

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