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Dating Guide for Men

Dating could be challenging for some people. Especially if you have been out of the game for so long. As a dating expert in Indonesia here's the top dating guide for men!

1. How not to be friendzoned?

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In modern dating, friendzone is absolutely a nightmare. The first dating guide is: you don’t want to be the harassing creepy guy but you also don’t want to end up being just her friends. Especially when you have different intentions. 

Sometimes, men forget this: women don't put you in friendzoned situations! You created that yourself! If you don’t communicate your intentions clearly when you’re helping her with a project, giving her a ride to the gym or accompanying her to the mall, you’re creating your friendzone! Remember that your actions are communicating the type of relationship you want. 

Sometimes, men forget this: women don't put you in friendzoned situations! You created that yourself! If you don’t communicate your intentions clearly when you’re helping her with a project, giving her a ride to the gym or accompanying her to the mall, you’re creating your friendzone! Remember that your actions are communicating the type of relationship you want. 

2. How to escape from friendzone?

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Better relationship is built when you’re taking feedback or signals and you’re reacting to that.

If you’re giving her all your time and energy but she’s not reciprocating to that, then it’s healthy for you to take feedback on that. Take a step back, meet her less often, be more aloof, treat her like a distant friend, or date other women. And then maybe you can shake the dynamic and re-engage with her romantically. 

3. Biggest Mistake in Online Dating

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Do you know that 70% male are in online dating apps? So because of that, even men who perform better on online dating are sending a lot of messages out to their matches. It’s normal that you may not get the same amount of responses in return. What you need to look for is women who really want to date. Women who are not on the dating app just to chat, they don’t have a fake profile, they don't have profiles that they’re not using anymore. 

If you match with a woman, make sure you send her a message within 24 hour and then always respond within 24 hour too. Research shows that when you don’t respond within 24 hours, the chances of going out on a date with her are halved! When she’s showing signs that she’s open, she wants to chat, she wants to meet you, ask for her number and take it to the real world when it really counts. If she’s cancelling you repeatedly, then please have some self respect. Don’t pursue her anymore and move on! 

Those are the top dating guide for men in Indonesia, brought to you by Lunch Actually - Indonesia's best dating service. Let us know if you have practiced these! Good luck 😉

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