Tag: 兩性關係

Happiness is an emotion; happiness is subjective. A person can feel happy because of his financial wealth; another can be happy even when he does not have a big house or nice clothes to wear.Love, t...

When you’re committed to a relationship, you’ll have to expect the good and the bad things that come with it. It’s all in a package that you’ll have to be willing to carry once you’re in it. The goo...

It’s no surprise since it’s the most magical time of the year, no?Maybe it’s got to do with the festive lights and warm vibes, the season of gifting really could pull people together and even spark ...

Dating or the art of asking someone out has changed so much over the time. 20 or 30 years ago, getting someone’s number would be one of the biggest challenges one would have to go through in terms of ...

文章由香港Lunch Actually創辦人兼CEO Violet Lim執筆最近和同事聊天,他們突然問起我和老公的情史。我們於大學認識,維持了兩年多的Long Distance的戀愛。拍拖三年多,我們決定訂婚。他向我求婚的時候,並沒...

文章由香港Lunch Actually創辦人兼CEO Violet Lim執筆最近我們公司舉辦了一場超過200位男女參加的單身派對,雖然這類活動近年已交予同事管理,但由於今次活動規模較大,於是我決定應邀到場致辭分享。 雖然我只是...

文章由香港Lunch Actually創辦人兼CEO Violet Lim執筆我曾經與初戀男友分手後在朋友聚會上遇上,場面有點尷尬。最近一次的見面,我發覺自己對初戀的記憶開始變得模糊。大家都各自結婚了,也有了小孩。有時候,我...

文章由香港Lunch Actually創辦人兼CEO Violet Lim執筆某次出差的時候,我在飛機上看了由周迅和黃曉明主演的「撒嬌女人最好命」,那時我跟老公開玩笑說:「看完了,就可以回去教女會員怎麼撒嬌。」黃曉明扮演的...

文章由香港Lunch Actually創辦人兼CEO Violet Lim執筆 數日前,我和老公談到「七年之癢」,有些人又會稱之為「十年之癢」的這個話題。 其實差不多每一對伴侶都會經歷這個感情關卡。所謂的「癢」...