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Meng Tjun & Siew Keng

"She is the one..."

We have tried various dating site and agencies but without any success but we are truly blessed to have found each other through brilliant Lunch Actually website.

To cut a long story short, we have been almost inseparable since our first meeting and follow up with movie together to a very quick on a trip to Taman Pertanian, Shah Alam which so natural that I finally concluded that “she is the one”.

Then in less than a year courtship, we planned to get married. We have many plans for a great future together. Both of us had come out of difficult past but fortunately with both of us having positive energy that resonates between us we feel that together we can overcome anything that comes our way.

We would like to thank Lunch Actually for giving us the opportunity to discover each other and wish to encourage others to have faith in finding the perfect partner. You’re a winner…”


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Speed Dating 香港公司 | 極速約會活動遊戲 | Lunch Actually (HK)
極速約會(Speed Dating)成結識異性風潮Speed Dating香港熱潮不減,更成為主流的尋找對象方式之一。Speed Dating顧名思義即極速約會,參加者齊集於同一Speed Dating遊戲或活動之中,在短時間互相認識,透...


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婚姻介紹所推薦 | 婚介所配對公司 | 徵婚社中介 | Lunch Actually (HK)
婚姻介紹、中介服務 理想婚姻生活好開始尋愛、不尋愛?即使工作繁忙、生活充實,但相信很多人內心仍然希望能找到合意伴侶攜手走過人生的另一階段。對於尋找理想的另一半,有人會選擇婚介公司,但亦有人對以...


Lunch Actually 2022年度區域調查
Lunch Actually 2022年度區域調查
超過2,300位亞洲單身人士真實分享使用交友軟件的感受﹑約會偏好&經濟因素對約會的影響. 80% 的香港單身人士認為自己經濟穩定,並準備好尋找一生的摯愛亞洲第一及最大午餐約會公司Lunch Actually 今天發佈最...


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