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In The News: Lunch Actually Helps Busy Professionals in Southeast Asia Find Love

The original article appears in Dating Advice.

The Short Version:

Violet Lim noticed that her colleagues at Citibank in Singapore weren’t dating. It wasn’t that they weren’t interested in meeting new people; instead, their jobs kept them too busy to find love. One of the problems was that traditional dating typically took place during evenings when many professionals were still hard at work. In response, Violet co-founded Lunch Actually, a matchmaking service that unites daters over their lunch breaks. Not only are the stakes lower for lunchtime meet-ups, but the encounters are more likely to fit into a professional’s busy schedule. Since 2004, Violet’s lunchtime model has been immensely popular in Southeast Asia, and the service has arranged more than 125,000 dates.

Violet later heard about the concept of lunch dating while she was traveling outside her home country. Then she wondered, if her single colleagues wanted to date but didn’t have time to do it, why not meet other singles over their lunch break? That’s when the idea for Lunch Actually was born.

Click here to read the full story.


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