Are You Looking for Love in The Right Places?
When it comes to singles who are looking for love, we tend to keep a checklist.

We have a long list of criteria of what we are looking for. He must be taller than me. She must be beautiful and slim. He must be smart and earning a decent income. And the list goes on.
We set parameters in our mind on what our ideal partner should be like and how they should behave, so when someone does not seem to fit into the mould we are looking for, we swiftly move on.
Because we are so focused on 'what we think' is the perfect one, we miss out THE right one for us.
(And is there even such thing as the Perfect One? Are we even perfect ourselves?)
What I am saying is that it would benefit all of us to be a little more open minded. When you have too many filters, you are limiting your chances. He might be 170cm when you prefer guys who are 175cm, but honestly, 5cm isn't going to make a huge difference in the long run. She might not know how to cook, but both of you could bond through some gourmet cooking lessons. You get the drift!
So don't sabotage your own chance of happiness by setting impossible standards.
I hope that by reassessing your criteria and parameters, you too will find your perfect someone soon.
If you have been doing the same thing and have not been successful in finding love, it's time to try something new. Lunch Actually is Asia's first and largest lunch dating company that has helped over 5,000 happy couples find their happiness! Click below for a FREE consultation to see how we can help you find yours.

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