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Why Friendship Is Important In A Relationship?

Lately there has been a relatively new phobia amongst singles...being friendzoned

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Especially when you’re trying to woo someone and make them see you as a viable candidate  for a partner. You would, under no circumstances would want any shade of friendship or platonic relationship shed on you. Even the slightest playful acknowledgement like “bro” or “dude” or one that we are guilty of using at one point or another “Dey!” would send shivers down our spine as we see the door to all possibilities for a romantic relationship is closing FAST. 

Well, here’s something that would help you ease your mind. Friendship is important in a relationship and science supports it! 

In a research done by John Helliwell and Shawn Grover from University of Vancouver, they found that couples have a much more healthy and positive relationship when they say their spouses are their best friend. The researchers claims that having a partner with whom you can talk and share life’s hardship is an important part of feeling content and happy with your life, even in difficult times.

Apart from that, when you have the friendship as the foundation of your relationship, expectations are much different. Instead of cliches of the guy paying for the date and the girl having to dress up fancy, you both would be happy with instant noodles in your pajamas.

The essence of their presence would be comforting enough instead of the superficial things.

Having a best friend is awesome, having your partner as a best friend is even better. You’d have a million inside jokes, you can be yourself completely. You know their impression of you would not change because they know the real you. You wouldn’t have to pretend to be someone else. Let’s face it, as much as we’d want to impress our partners, it can get exhausting being someone else.

Life has many ways of throwing a curveball at us. In the long term, you would want someone who has your back in those situations. As you spend time as friends, you learn things about each other without the pressure of any expectations. Sure, feelings come with that friendship but it's a beautiful process to watch a relationship grow through many phases.

When you have invested and involved yourself in something genuine and true with another person, that connection will take both of you AND the relationship a long way.

So, the next time you worry about your crush treating you like a friend, make the most out of it! Friendship is the most reliable way to get to know someone. It is the best way to building something that could change both your lives in the future!

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