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Your Complete Singapore Dating Guide to Help You Find Love

Dating is hard. Especially modern dating – it’s not easy for singles nowadays. There are a lot of obstacles singles must face to meet the right person. However, don’t be discouraged and believe all the myths about dating and relationships. Trust us, you’ll meet someone special who’s perfectly fit for you! Dating success is a combination of your attitude, skill and presentation. Your attitude has measurable, practical effects on your performance and a bad attitude is going to hold you back at every level. If you’re single in Singapore and still looking for love, here’s your complete Singapore dating guide to help you find love. 

1. The first thing in your complete Singapore dating guide to help you find love is, date when you’re ready.

If you want to find someone to be your rebound or because your other friends are in a relationship, don’t date. Resolve your past relationship problems first and enjoy your time being single. Then, when you’re ready to meet someone and find love, you can start to find the right platform. 

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2. The second dating guide in your complete Singapore dating guide to help you find love is choosing the right platform to find love.

Nowadays, online dating is popular. It’s easy to use and also free. 

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Do you know that 70% male are in online dating apps? So because of that, even men who perform better on online dating are sending a lot of messages out to their matches. It’s normal that you may not get the same amount of responses in return. If you match with a woman, make sure you send her a message within 24 hour and then always respond within 24 hour too. Research shows that when you don’t respond within 24 hours, the chances of going out on a date with her are halved! When she’s showing signs that she’s open, she wants to chat, she wants to meet you, ask for her number and take it to the real world when it really counts. If she’s canceling you repeatedly, then please have some self respect. Don’t pursue her anymore and move on! 

If you’re too busy with your career and don’t have time to swiping and screening all the profiles, try a personalized dating service. They’ll help you to screen all profiles and set a wonderful date for you! 

3. The third thing is to keep things in perspective.

Don’t make your search for a relationship the center of your life. Concentrate on the activities you enjoy, your career, health, and relationships with family and friends. When you focus on keeping yourself happy, it will keep your life balanced and make you a more interesting person when you do meet someone special.

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4. The fourth thing is, manage your expectations.

If you wish all your dates will go smoothly or you expect that your relationship will bring you nothing but joy, or demand that your partner always know what to do, then it’s time to manage your expectations. Avoid unreal expectations of dating and relationships, because it’s real life, not a movie. Taking control of your expectations is vital not only to manage dating anxiety, but to set yourself up to have a healthy relationship whenever you do find someone worthy.

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Important thing to note is avoid the checklist syndrome. It’s a good idea to know what characteristics are most important to you, but when you become inflexible about those criteria, you end up missing out on many interesting singles. Why? They don’t match enough of the items on your checklist. Take a good look at what your expectations are. Be honest with yourself: are you setting them too high? Are you setting impossible standards no human being could ever meet? 

We always advise our client: “The yardstick on whether to go on a second date is not ‘how much you like your date’, but ‘how little you dislike him/her’.”

If there is nothing you dislike about him/her, or if you are ‘on the fence’, our advice is, go for it! Be open and get to know them better beyond just one quick meet-up. You may be surprised!. 

5. The last thing is, put a priority on having fun.

Instead of wasting your time on dating apps or hanging out in pick-up bars, think of your time as a single person as a great opportunity to expand your social circle and participate in new events. Make having fun your focus. By pursuing activities you enjoy and putting yourself in new environments, you’ll meet new people who share similar interests and values. Even if you don’t find someone special, you will still have enjoyed yourself and maybe make new friendships as well.

Those are your complete Singapore dating guide to help you find love! If you need help from our cupids, click the banner below and let us help you to find love. 

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